Spirits were high and so was the adrenalin at the Inter-pub Quoits tournament on Sunday 9th July, when The Kirkstyle Inn and Sportsman’s Rest took on The Wallace Arms . The event took place at The Kirkstyle. The weather was perfect as Gail the Landlady of The Wallace and Nick the Landlord of the Kirkstyle stepped out to play. Nick and Gail both played well, but Nick had the edge and clinched the game. The teams battle it out, it was a close tournament, but at the end of the day the winners were….. ‘The Wallace’. To polish the afternoon off everyone enjoyed sausage and onion sarnies, homemade cakes and biscuits and a few beers on The Kirkstyle’s porch. All in all a perfect way to spend a summer’s afternoon in the beautiful Northumberland countryside.